Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekend Wanderings: When Life Gets in the Way.

Hi I am Ashlynn and I have been a bad blogger. The last time I blogged was about 2 weeks ago and I feel terrible. I havent even posted on social media. Life is in the way.

I have a new job which I enjoy but there is ALOT less downtime than at my last place, so blogging there is slim to none.

We are STILL trying to put up/together everything we got from the wedding so that has been taking time.

I am just mentally exhausted when I get home from work and the gym so looking at my computer is far from my mind.

But I promise you I will come back ans be more frequent and I am dedicating part of my weekends to blogging and writing posts for the week ahead.

These last few weeks we have been settling in to married life and J has worked all weekend every weekend since we've got married. Which I admire him for, he is trying his hardest to get a promotion and working his arse off to get it.

The first weekend after we were married I headed down to do my sisters hair and make-up for her Junior Prom. She is growing up way to fast. J was planing on coming as well but had been sick so decided to stay home and get some rest.

Here is one of the pics I took from my parents backyard. I can't believe she's only 16!! Hair and Makeup done my yours truly!

Last weekend and this weekend he worked the whole weekend, as I stayed home with the pups and our newest edition.

Please welcome Sir Podrick Payne - the munchkin kitten. He loves sunshine, his mice that make noise, his feather toy that looks like a cat fishing pole and cuddling with J.

I also did some rest this weekend, the summer cold has officially caught up to our little apartment. Not working with kids anymore I had been avoid sickness much better than I used to, that is until the other girl at work brought it to the office.

This only calls for Netflix binging on my current guilty pleasure.. Gilmore Girls!! I think I am on season 1 I don't really know I just let them keep playing away.

I forgot how terrible dvd covers were back then.

Also there was copious amounts of hot herbal tea with lemon and honey to soothe my throat and cold meds to keep me alive.

Yay for back to blogging, sorry again for the absence! I am back... ish

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