Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Let the countdown begin!


That is how many days until J & I FINALLY say "I Do" 

It has been a long time coming and did have a date until two weeks ago. Yes you read that right I am planning a wedding for 50 people in two months!!

We've lost our damn minds I know but so far planning is going kinda smooth  ** Knock on wood** 

Dress was purchased this weekend and will be ready for a fitting on Feb. 19th and my pretty shoes will be available for pick up. 

Its going to be a simple backyard wedding with all of our family and friends and possibly even our little pup! 

The rental company is coming out this week to see if what we want will work so finger crossed! 

Food- &#X02714
Dress - &#X02714
Groom- &#X02714
Invites - being made
Photographer - meeting tonight
Location- &#X02714
Hair & Makeup - almost 
Register- &#X02714
Fittings- Booked 
and the list can go on and on. 

It is all very overwhelming but with 50 people it shouldn't be to insane. We are just looking at it like we are having a big party with a little wedding a few minutes prior.  
(at least that what I keep telling myself to avoid a panic attack)

Things will go wrong and timing will be off but at the end of the day we are married and starting our next big adventure together!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Welcoming "Winter"

Blanket Scarf

Its is finally starting to really feel like winter in Florida and by "winter" I mean cold enough to wear my blanket scarf Santa bought me and the one I DIY-ed thanks to Pinterest. 
DIY-Blanket Scarf

Winter in Florida is basically fall everywhere else. Highs are in the low 50's to 60's low 70's and lows in the upper 30's, it rarely gets below freezing down here in the Sunshine State.  It also means lower power bills because we can open our windows instead of using the AC and the heat is rarely turned on.. unless you are my parents who have island blood and belong where its always warm and sunny because they freeze when its 50 degrees out. 

Sadly we never know here how long this beautiful weather will last so we enjoy it while we can and us ladies wear our cute warm clothes. 

& by warm clothes I'm talking the #basicwhitegirl starter kit which includes the following: 
Blanket scarves, high boots that make us look like we are about to go horse back riding, black/dark grey leggings, and flannel shirts (as seen below) warming our hands with a Trenta, no-foam, five shot, half-caf, no foam, Pumpkin Spice Latte, with no foam at 210 degrees," - Scream Queens

I am sure those of you reading where it actually gets cold (beautiful Alaskan readers I see you!) are judging this post and taking it as a joke. I know it doesn't actually get cold here but we Floridians like to fake it, however we have has snow flurries a few times in my twenty-something life span and I've been told while my mom was pregnant with me in Tallahassee it snowed enough to make baby snowman! 

So for these next few weeks Im going to be as basic as I can! So many blanket scarves to buy and wear, my boots need their time in the sun, lots of complicated Starbucks orders to drink, and I can finally cuddle with J without it getting uncomfortable and warm 
            *He's a big guy, all muscle, but gets warm quickly... we could be standing outside on a 70 degree day and he will start to sweat.*

Judge away, I do not care one bit! I love this weather for the short time its here and even more so now I cant spend the warm days of almost year round summer in shorts and bikinis out by the pool or beach.  YAY adult world &#X1f61d jk. adult would you suck.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

21 Ways To Expand Your Blog Audience

Taylor from The Daily Tay made me want to start blogging. Her posts are hysterical and she got all around great content.  This post is great for newbies like myself, while you are there check out the rest of her stuff you wont regret it I promise!!

21 Ways To Expand Your Blog Audience 

Oh and Harlow is fabulous, I want a vizsla now and so will you after you follow her snapchat.

Monday, January 11, 2016


We bought a couch!!!!!!!!

& chair & coffee table & side tables & a lamp(not pictured)... Basically a whole living room set, except the entertainment stand but it will come in time. (but we are looking at an Ikea one.. damn that store and all their awesomeness!) 

Close up of the couch
Coffee Table 
Side Table 
We got it at Rooms To Go over the weekend and it will be delivered the weekend we move in. Everything is slowly coming together and my anxiety/stress levels are nowhere near as high as they were. 

I have had a couple minor panic attacks over the last few weeks about other "adutling" stuff, bills, health insurance; nothing major but all things that will cause me to over think and stress and then possibly have a little attack. 

So one major decor purchase is done, we will actually have a a place to sit and enjoy our new living room when we move in!

I can not wait to see it all in place! Im just hoping it will all fit.

We were taking measurements the other night, and for not having alot of stuff we though 'oh we will be fine it will all fit'... well now im worried its going to look like giant cluster f**k.

But, at least it will be cozy...
I know I'v said it already but this month needs to be over already!

Happy Monday! 

Friday, January 8, 2016


In just two short weeks J & I will be signing our lease and getting the keys to our first real place together. 

& I am starting to feel very very overwhelmed. 

The perfect display of how I feel. 

I cant even think straight because I know there is so much to be done, okay well it might not be a lot but I feel like it is. 

We have our walk though Wednesday which will hopefully ease my mind bit. 
*side note it go pushed back from this Sunday which caused me to have a mini freak out and get slightly angry at them but we will make it work*

I'm getting boxes from work this week ( yay office supply delivery)

BUT we are also watching his brothers apartment dog this weekend and our current living situation doesn't like dogs living in her home. Which I should have said no too seeing as there is so many more productive thinks I could be doing! 

Things will come together in the end and it not like we have that much to move right now anyway. Most of the big things are taken care of. 
We've got the living room suite, electricity is being turned on the day before we get there, we will hopefully get internet set up this weekend. 
*fingers crosses*

I fell like there is so much to do, so much to buy, and so much to pack. Its been a very stressful/rough week. I'm a planner and hes much more laid back, but we've been trying to compromise.

I'm just read for this month to be over so we can be done with the move and stress about something else. 

Any tips to east stress, decorate a small apartment and make moving easier would be greatly appreciated. 

*not us*

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I Could Never Put In Words...

What my anxiety feels like. 

***warning it about to get real, not a fun upbeat post. Feel free to skip over this post***

I couldn't explain it because I wasn't sure what was going on at first. I was crying and getting hot and short of breath and I thought it was just because I was a little overwhelmed at work.
Then it started happening more, the smallest things would set me off. Stress is something I have always struggled with, stress over money, relationships, etc. you named it probably stressed about it. 

I started thinking maybe its not stress maybe its something more, but I could never put into words what was actually going on. Before I found my little slice of the interweb to share J & I's adventures and struggles I wrote down everything in an email draft not so I can look back at them and bring it on again but to get out what I was feeling at the time and try to make it stop... it never worked. 

Some of the things I wrote were like 
"Trying to just breathe. Just breathe. Just Breathe. That's what I keep telling myself at the moment."
or this one when I started to realize it was much more than stress
"Days like this just make me want to crawl back and bed in forget it happened. Its not anything that happens at work and I don't feel like I have control over it it just all comes on rushing in like a tidal wave. Its an overwhelming feeling and I don't know how to shake it. I get sick to my stomach, short of breath, eye well up with tears and I get massive headaches that I try to blame on my sinuses"

Then this week one of my favorite YouTubers posted a video that explains it all. I can not thank her enough for saying what other couldn't for helping me explain what I going through to my mom and J. 

Almost 100% of what she said in the short video is something I feel/have felt or a mindless twitch I'v noticed while trying to calm myself down. You don't really expect a girl(or guy) with a bubbly personality, ability to make people laugh and just always seem happy to suffer from the mental/emotional/physical pain of anxiety. 

Here is a link to Meghan Rienks channel for more videos to cheer you up after this post. Oh and the cooking tutorials so funny and her most recent money bread one.... Holy Deliciousness!  

Monday, January 4, 2016

Two-Thousand and Sixteen!

Happy New Year!

Well congratulations on making it though another year! Did it seem to go by quickly for everyone or is that just me? 

2015 brought my first full year out of college and in the real world, a new car (and car payment yuck), it brought 2 new members into J's side of the family; a new future sister in law and a new niece, it also brought some sad news, his dad had to find a new job which is relocating his parents to Virginia Beach

2016 is going to be a doozy, one crazy roller coaster filled with lots of trials and excitement and wonderful new adventures. 

This year J & I move into our first apartment together, which is an adventure we are both absolutely thrilled about. We know it will brings challenges and  a much tighter budget but we just keep reminding each other " We Got This" 

This year will also be the first year he has ever lived more than an hour from his parents. We a both big on family so this will be a hard one for the both of us. 

J will also get his first dog this year! He has never had a dog of his own, growing up the only pet he ever had was a hamster- who lived like 5 years which is unheard of!

As for the stupid resolutions people make, I made some too...
1. Lose at least 15lbs 
2. Stay on budget!! No excess spending on things I don't need
3. Be Happy and Stress Less- This will be a difficult one for me. With the new job among other things,  I've developed a lot of stress and have had a fair share of panic attacks. 
4. Relax more - again this goes along with trying to lower the anxiety and stress and how I handle it. 
5. Read more. 

Maybe we will finally get married this year too, who knows but I cant wait to see what 2016 throw our way while we try and learn life together! 

What are your 2016 Resolutions?  Any good book recommendations? Share them, Id love to hear it all!