Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wanderlust Wednesday : Must See London

My Must See's Next Time I Find Myself Across the Pond

Hello All!! I hope everyone is having a good week. Last week I showed you where I went in London for the week I was there, this week is my must see next time I go.

Lets get started on a mini getaway in the middle of the week.

Neal's Yard in Convent Garden

First on the list is a tiny little alley in Convent Garden called Neal's Yard. This is one of the most Instagramed spots in London. With its vibrant colors and little boutiques and restaurants you could stay here for hours and never know its just right around the corner from one of London's busiest streets. 

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

I could see Dickens sitting in the corner drafting an early copy of Oliver Twist. 
One of the oldest pubs in London, originally built in 1538 but destroyed by the Great Fire of 1666 and rebuilt, as the sign states, in 1667. This pub was a popular haunt for some literary greats like Twain, Tennyson and Dickens and is one of the reasons it is a must visit on my list. I am a bit of a history buff and minored in English Lit in college. 
There is a rumor that this pub also served as a brothel upstairs in the 18th century.  Scandalous!!

Warner Brothers Studio: Harry Potter 

WB Harry Potter Studio Tour... One of my biggest regrets last time I was in London was not going here. I don't nerd out about much but this is my weakness. I don't know what it is but I love the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I have all of the movies, all of the books on my kindle, I am working on collecting all of the paper version of the books and I have listened to them via audible often too. It is my escape from reality,  reading or listening to the books or watching the movies it how I relax.
Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour
I have been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios and Islands of adventure on more than one occasion. I have an interactive wand and a Gryffindor headband... I am 26 I know but I like it. Harry Potter world (as we call it here) is great but to see places where they actually filmed and be immersed fully would be amazing and is 100% on my Bucket List!

The Crooked House of Windsor
tea room

Seeing as my moms side is from England afternoon tea was normal for me at a young age. I can remember summers at our beach house here in Florida coming in for lunch and a cup of tea while the afternoon storms rolled through... I was like 6. I always carry a tea bag in whatever purse or wallet I may have, so naturally afternoon tea was a must for me. 
This adorable little house isn't in London persay but it is a tube ride away. It was the oldest tea house in England, however is sadly no longer a tea room but you can still buy their tea I believe in the shop downstairs. 

All the markets of London

Finally and an all encompassing must in London is the markets. You will find the best local foods, drinks and eclectic souvenirs at these markets and really enjoy London like a local. I only made it to two of the countless markets around the city. Leadenhall & Borough markets, the first having lots of little shops around each corner and the later having some of the best food and smells at over 50 stalls it was huge and I could have spent all day there but my group was in a bit of a rush. 
Camden Market was on that I was told is a must while sharing a pint one night with a few locals I met, sadly I never made it so it is on my list of Must sees!

What are some of your "must sees" in London or anywhere you are longing to visit? Tell me in the comments below and I shall add it to my own list. 

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